Among a Thousand Stars

Standard British “Chick Lit” – nothing more, nothing less. I found the story line to be a wee bit predictable, but still a pleasant read. I was excited when I was on and saw that there is a prequel to this story but a little disappointed when I realized it was on 10 pages and basically recaps Tom’s night of passion with Susie-Ann.
What I loved: Stevie is a delight as a sidekick and I would love to see him developed into a main character with his own tale. He seems to be the poster boy for stick-foot-in-mouth syndrome and is a delight when he is present.
What I didn’t love: The main character, Tom, seems a little bit of a jerk. When I love (or even like) the romantic interest for the main character, I find that the story reads so much better and I like the story that much more. I wasn’t rooting for Tom and Ashleigh as a couple .
What I learned: Not really sure…
Overall Grade: B-