Parchment and Old Lace
Available: Now Every time I dive into a Laura Childs scrapbooking mystery I get inspired to race out to my local Michael’s craft store...

Cold Feet
Trade paperback available now Cold feet? More like cold heart. The main character, Emma, is so emotionally damaged from her upbringing...

Dirty Rush
Available Now I laughed through this entire book. Yes, it’s a fictional farce and there may be a chapter at a school where people can be...

Maybe in Another Life
Available now Her characters are typically younger than me and in completely different places in their lives, but I always feel like I...

Winter Stroll
Available now People seem to love the Christmas season on Nantucket just as much as they love summertime there. I have a heard time...

Criminal That I Am
I thought the author had more of a personal relationship with Cameron Douglas outside of being his lawyer, which would mean some juicy...

Pretty Girls
My first Karin Slaughter book….Wow. Intense, creepy, disgusting, suspense-filled – I can’t even describe it. There were times I had to...

Silver Linings
Available Now Reading a Debbie Macomber series book is like curling up on the couch with some comfort food and watching a cheesy...

Purl Up and Die
Sometimes a series just needs to end. I think I’ve reached my limit with this one. Kelly and her band of friends are back for yet another...

Come Away With Me
Available now My standard format for a book review wouldn’t do this justice, so I’m going to deviate from the norm and write from the...