Winter Stroll
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People seem to love the Christmas season on Nantucket just as much as they love summertime there. I have a heard time seeing why; every character complains about how crowded their precious island is and how annoying all of the tourists are. I really have a hard time getting into a Christmas novel in the middle of October when its 85 degrees outside, but I can’t control when the library receives my book hold.
What I loved: Margaret is really the only likable character in the tale; she doesn’t live on the island of Nantucket. Every other character is selfish (Kelley, Mitzi, Ava & George), childish (Mitzi again), addicted to something( Jennifer and, wait for it, Mitzi), or completely unmemorable (Kevin & Isabelle).
What I didn’t love: Since it’s a short novella with so many characters and their individual points of view, I have forgotten almost everything that happened in the first one, Winter Street, which came out last fall. Since the story ends abruptly, paving the way for a third (and hopefully final!) book next year, I’ll probably forget everything that happened in this one and be completely lost.
What I learned: I’m really getting sick of books based on Nantucket.
Overall Grade: C