Maybe in Another Life
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Her characters are typically younger than me and in completely different places in their lives, but I always feel like I connect with them, no matter what they are going through. I love her books – they are excellently written with insight and when I finish one of her books, I always have a need to find my husband and tell him how much I love him.
What I loved: TJR gives a shout out to my childhood donut stand – Primo’s Donuts at Sawtelle and National boulevards in the heart of West L.A.! While I was always too enamored of their maple long johns and maple cake donuts to even try a cinnamon roll, I’m sure they are just as awesome.
What I didn’t love: Sometimes it took me a sentence or two in each chapter to realize which version of the story I was reading, but that’s a minor inconvenience that I’ll just blame on my memory.
What I learned: Even if there is another parallel universe based on the decisions I’ve made in the past, I can truly appreciate where I am right now.
Overall Grade: A