Sweet Forgiveness
When I picked up this book, I thought it would be a romantic comedy with a little aspect of forgiveness. WRONG! Instead, it was a beautifully written tale about the past, forgiveness, shame, being wrong, etc. It is a welcome kick in the pants, a slap of the face story that started out so predictable but then had these incredible plot twists I didn’t see coming. The lessons learned by the characters in the book will resonate with you for a long time after its finished.
What I loved: The concept of the Forgiveness Stones – what a great way to atone for your wrong doings and forgive those that have hurt you. Someone – please market them asap and give a cut of the profits to Ms. Nelson Spielman!
What I didn’t love: Some of the people in the book are so evil they are beyond forgiveness
What I learned: It would be so scary to send out the stones when asking for forgiveness – would it be enough to know you tried if it was never returned to you? I’m not sure if I could be okay with never getting a stone returned…
Overall Grade: A-