The Santangelos
The Santangelos by Jackie Collins
Available: Now
Please God, let this be the last book about Lucky Santangelo and her family. It’s not that I didn’t adore it because Jackie Collins is the creator of SMUT but I’ve been reading about her since high school and I’m not sure what else can happen in this woman’s life. Unfortunately, Lucky is the best character Ms. Collins has ever written and I have a feeling there are still a few more stories to be written about her.
What I loved: This novel was pure Jackie Collins – fabulously written with great intertwining plots and re-occurring characters, so I loved all 532 pages! It’s all there – drama, power, drugs, sex – it’s the quintessential beach read. Good thing there’s still 5 weeks left of summer!
What I didn’t love: It’s been so long since the last good Lucky book (and I’m not counting Confessions of a Wild Child!) that I couldn’t remember some of the lesser characters who turn up again in this installment.
What I learned: You don’t &*% with a Santangelo.
Overall Grade: A