The Misadventures of a Playground Mother
Available: September 11, 2015
Thank you to and to the publisher for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Everyone of us has that ONE FRIEND. You know her - the one that takes more than she gives, and when she does give, it still feels like you’re being taken. Welcome to the friendship between Rachel and Penelope. Read with caution – you may be able to change Penelope’s name to someone else who’s in your life…
What I loved: That Rachel finally found her spine towards the last third of the story. For so many chapters I was screaming in my head at some of the antics Penelope was putting Rachel through and almost began to not like Rachel for not standing up for herself.
What I didn’t love: The obvious choice is Penelope since she’s such a witch with a B through most of the story. I would have also liked to see more interaction between Rachel and the other class mums. They are mentioned in passing here and there throughout the story (and then in great detail) but I was left wondering why they were really mentioned at all. Oh - and the ending!! Really? All that and then you make THAT happen??!!!??? A sequel is a must!!
What I learned: Once a mean girl….always a mean girl.
Overall Grade: B