Death by Tiara
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Thirteenth in the Jaine Austin mystery series finds our heroine in yet another bungled romance and in the middle of another quirky murder. Armed with her faithful cat Prozac, annoying neighbor Lance, and her parents’ emails from Florida, Jaine gets into trouble again.
What I loved: Her adventures are light, fluffy, and funny. They’re always a quick read and the misadventures that her parents get into are hysterical. They’re not rocket science, but a nice yearly diversion.
What I didn’t love: I suppose the neighbor Lance’s roaming eye and clueless demeanor can be charming, but it seems to get a little worn from time to time. I also missed Jaine’s best friend (totally blanking on her name right now but she’s the TV writer) since she didn’t make an appearance in this chapter.
What I learned: It’s not all Toddlers and Tiaras out there…
Overall Grade: B