No Ordinary Life
Available February 2, 2016
Thank you to and to the publisher for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Growing up in Los Angeles, I had friends in the “business” but that was before the rise of the internet and social media, so what I knew then doesn’t seem to apply anymore. Down on her luck Faye and her children get a miraculous break and a chance of a lifetime to turn their life around, but it comes with costs that Faye is just not willing to pay.
What I loved: The kids were all so accurately portrayed – the hormornal pre-teen, the sensitive middle child, the adorable youngest, that they were a joy to read. While I cringed when Emily went through her lash out phase, I could completely relate as the mother to a teenager.
What I didn’t love: Most of the other characters in the novel were horrible people just looking out for themselves – Faye included. She didn’t think about how her actions would impact so many different people – good people who weren’t out to get her but just wanted to make a life for themselves and their familes as well by doing their job.
What I learned: Always file the legal paperwork…
Overall Grade: B-