Opening Belle
Available: February 2, 2016
Thank you to and to the publisher for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Since my husband used to work in the financial world, I thought I would be able to understand all of the financial terms, drama, etc. that serve as a main point within this tale. It turns out, not really. I know Ms. Sherry was trying to dumb a lot of the mortgage/credit/financial crisis of 2008 down so that someone outside of the business would be able to understand the book, but a lot of it still went over my head.
I wasn’t really sure about the point to this tale – was it a story of women wronged on Wall Street by the immature behavior of their male co-workers and how they rose up for equality? Or was it supposed to be how an extremely busy woman balanced the wife/mom role in a male world? It was trying to be all three and didn’t succeed at anything.
What I loved: I loved the beginning because it had such promise – the GCC, the secret emails, but it really ddidn’t deliver. Instead it would mention a potential game changer (Bruce! Henry!) and then move on to the next chapter where the game changer was all handled and is now being passively mentioned as an afterthought. Most of the time, I was reading and saying to myself, “Whaaaa???”
What I didn’t love: Bruce and Henry are written as such scummy men – why would you ever want to spend time with them much less fall in love with them? Together, the two of them have enough issues to keep a $25/hour therapist in Manolos for a few seasons.
What I learned: The stereotypical Wall Street broker image wasn’t a sterotype.
Overall Grade: C-