The Girl You Lost
Available February 5, 2016
Thank you to and to the publisher for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
As a parent, it is sometimes difficult to read a novel about a missing child because you can take the situation you are reading about, place it into your own life, and then think horrible thoughts of how you would react/cope/exist in the situation; or at least this is what I do.
What I loved: The final twist at the ending… Wow. Did NOT see that coming. I can’t describe anything because it would give away a spoiler, and where is the fun in that?
What I didn’t love: It is a little slow in the beginning which made it a little tough to get through, but once the plot began brewing, the pace of the story picked up quite a bit. If I can get nit-picky, too many of the female characters had names than began with the letter G – silly I know.
What I learned: Can’t say, or I would give away a major plot line
Overall Grade: B