Wedding Girl

Available May 3, 2016
I won! I won! I won! I won! Thank you to and to the publisher for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
I was so excited to find out I won a drawing – I never win these things and for a book I was really wanting to read made it even better.
Once again Stacy Ballis wrote a great novel with enough snark to make me laugh out loud, enough heart to make me smile at the ending, and too many amazing descriptions of food that I basically snacked through the entire story.
What I loved: The characters are well written (I would have loved to see more interaction with Ruth and Jean - perhaps a story about them??), old love is charming and sweet, new love is even cuter and a dog that eats Cheetos is over the top. It was great to see a mention of a past heroine and now that my daughter is considering a college in the Chicagoland area I’m more interested in the city culture than before.
What I didn’t love: I was hoping the plot would feature more on the WeddingGirl website instead of the bakery but that’s a pretty weak complaint even if I say so myself. I’ll be honest here – its hard to find fault with Stacey Ballis and her novels. I heart Jen Lancaster and since Stacey is her bestie I’ve grown to love and adore her work as well.
What I learned: Fletch’s first name by reading the Acknowledgements. Mind blown….
Overall Grade: A-