The Art of Murder
I’ve read every one of the Dead-End job mysteries and have loved seeing Helen go from someone on the run who could only work cash jobs to a happily married woman with a legitimate job. Is it horrible for me to say I preferred the tension when Helen was on the lam? There was always the element that she was going to get caught – by the ex-hubby, the IRS, someone! And now, she practically purrs on each page how happy she Is . It gets kind of annoying but the murders are always creative and the sub-plots are almost as good as the main plots so I still love the series…
What I loved: Margery, the purple loving, ever smoking landlady of the Coronado is always one of my favorites. When I picture her, its like Magda from “There’s Something About Mary.”
What I didn’t love: No recipes? Even for the cocktail? That was just plain cruel.
What I learned: All about discount cremations……ew.
Overall Grade: B