Thirty Days to Thirty

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Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
What a cute premise for a book. Of course, it starts out totally crappy but its just an adorable feel-good read that will make you regret not doing anything like this before a monumental birthday – at least that’s how it made me feel but I’m not making a “45 Things before 45” to accomplish in less than 6 months! Jill is clueless, klutzy, and eventually has a heart of gold once she realizes that its not all about her.
What I loved: The relationship between Jill and her mother is so spot on! Immediately, I fell into Jill’s shoes and cringed for my own past behavior. SORRY MOMMY!
What I didn’t love: The ending’s a little too predictable but I don’t really think there was any other way to finish the book (or the list) at all so I can’t fault the author for that..
What I learned: Something new everyday is a little much of a stretch, but maybe one new thing a week could be doable!
Overall Grade: B