Bonjour Kale

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Thank you to for an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I know what you’re thinking - a book about kale? Really? Yes! It’s a crazy memoir about one woman’s journey to bring kale back to France but the writing is so well done with its sprinkling of stories that it was a cute read. Yes, my eyes did glaze over in a few parts about the history of the vegetable, “Bonjour Kale” is worth it.
What I loved: I love cooking memoirs so of course I liked the book but I also enjoyed Kristen’s struggles with adjusting to life in France when you don’t speak the language. Sure, would I have preferred her to treat The Kale Project a little more business-like? Yes – how do you not follow up with people who are doing things for you?
What I didn’t love: I was all ready to give this book an A- based on the writing and am super excited to try the Secret Sauce recipe in the first few chapters, but then when I got all excited for the Gratin Dauphinois recipe – it was no where to be found in my digital copy along with a ton of other recipes I was looking to make. Boo! I’m not purchasing a book I already read just to get a handful of recipes that deep down, I know I will never make.
What I learned: I had no idea the salad bar garnish was so versatile…
Overall Grade: Before 6/7/16 B, after 6/7/16 A-
******June 7, 2016 - I also provide reviews on as well as track the books I read/want to read/etc. Because I posted this review on as well, I was messaged by Kristen directly for the recipes I wanted. Just now, she messaged me to let me know that the publisher was sending me a brand new copy of the book so that I would have all of the recipes I desired - How amazing is that??? Because of this, I had to change my Overall Grade to what the book truly deserved!******