Big Law

Available: Now
Even though this came out in March (I’m trying to get through my pile!) it’s a perfect beach read for summer. Its not too heavy on the legal mumbo-jumbo jargon and fast paced. Maybe a little too fast paced, but more about that later. Think of it as “The Devil Wears Prada” went to law school and kicked butt.
What I loved: Mackenzie is a rather likable people pleaser kind of heroine who realizes she is quickly falling down the rabbit’s hole in a huge pile of crap but keeps her head and wits about her. She doesn’t really turn to the dark side (haven’t we all shot someone with compressed air?) and still has her code of ethics on her side. It’s a nice thing to see these days.
What I didn’t love: It’s too darn short – I wanted more! More about the family, more about Jason, more about Kim and especially much much more about the SEC (and I’m not talking sports).
What I learned: Only certain breeds of people can stay in corporate law for a long period of time.
Overall Grade: B+