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The Secret Ingredient of Wishes

Available September 6, 2016

Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I admit, I was a little skeptical when I was reading the description…wish granting and secret binding? It seemed a little too other worldly for my tastes but like the delicious pies mentioned in the novel, I will be happy to eat my words. So this wish granting… it is a regional thing? Or can someone from California get in on the action?

What I loved: I loved how the town of Nowhere, NC was treated like a living, breathing thing and described as much. Rachel is a complex character – I would have liked to see some additional passages on how she became friends with MaryBeth, more background, etc but maybe that is for a future novel because it feels like Nowhere isn’t done with this story yet.

What I didn’t love: The book reminded me of the movie, “Edward Scissorhands” in reverse – where the town is so quick to turn on Edward with a mob-like mentality. I cried for almost 2 hours after that movie so upset about the unfairness of society and how cruel and hateful a mob-like mentality could be and didn’t want to have to go through that again. (Don’t judge me, it was the ‘90s). Luckily, I wasn’t an emotional mess after finishing the book – I truly enjoyed it, but some RECIPES would have been wonderful! (Especially the chocolate tart with the potato chip crust and the chess pie. Oh – and the really good one that had walnuts and chocolate. Can you tell I don’t like fruit pies?)

What I learned: I need a wish granter like that – I promise to not ask for material things!

Overall Grade: B+

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