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Home With My Sisters

Available September 27, 2016

Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Reading a Christmas tale in the dog days of August is tough. When I see memes that there are only 20-something Fridays until Christmas I just want to bury my head in the sand and be in denial that time is passing that quickly. And then the other part of me is longing for the flannel sheets. For the most part, this isn’t your sappy, “It’s a Wonderful Life” Christmas tale – until the last chapter…Then it’s a sappy stereotypical Hallmark Christmas movie. Seriously – they all simultaneously break out in song – multiple times. At least its only one chapter.. The rest of the novel is darker than I expected – Death, affairs, suicide, drugs, inter-racial relations; not your usually Christmas fluff and that’s what I liked about it.

What I loved: One of my favorite scenes is in the beginning of the novel when Hope has it out with Michael. She’s finally honest with herself and him and I can respect her realizations about their relationship.

What I didn’t love: Joy – what a spoiled little brat. Even in the end she is just a little %^& with her fake love for her coffee mug as her Christmas present when its so obvious that she wanted something bigger. I didn’t really see a sincere thank you to her sisters in the sappy last chapter either. I admit – only child here so I don’t get how relationships with siblings work but I’d just slap her upside the head.

What I learned: Once again, very happy to be an only child.

Overall Grade: B-

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