Shoe Addict's Christmas

Available: October 18. 2016
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Because I truly enjoy reading about Christmas in the middle of a 90 degree heat wave in Southern California… Seriously – it was a charming Christmas tale that I knocked out in about an hour. Unfortunately, its been so long since there was a Shoe Addict’s book I have forgotten who Noelle is, anything about the shoe line, or anything about the whole series. I think I may need to do some re-reading.
What I loved: It’s a beautiful play on that whole “what if” factor of “It’s a Wonderful Life”. C’mon – its only 160 pages – I can’t say that much about it!!
What I didn’t love: Shame on the publisher for putting this in a hardback format and trying to charge $17.99 for a NOVELLA that’s 160 pages!
What I learned: Get out of your comfort zone..
Overall Grade: B+