Dead Cold Brew
Available: January 10, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
The basis for the latest installment in the Coffeehouse Mysteries is rather on point with its cut from the headlines plots of police being targeted by shooters and the death of poor Cecil the lion. With as many books in this series, you would expect it to become a little dates or tiresome, but the series is still going strong. I think it is because the authors have such a large cast of supporting players (the Village Blend staff, family members, the NYPD) to choose as sidekicks for each tale that the reader never gets tired of seeing who will pop up and take a larger role in the latest adventure.
What I loved: Madame is my favorite character in this series. I picture her like an older Judy Dench. She emits class, loyalty and love wherever she goes and treats everyone with respect. She could serve as a role model for a lot of people today – fictional or real. On a side note, the best part of every Coffehouse Mystery is the chunk of recipes at the end. Not only do they all sound amazing, most are pretty easy to make – and that’s speaking from a non-cook. I’m excited to try out the pumpkin quick bread that is featured in this volume!
What I don’t love: Clare and Matt seem to spend an awful lot of time together for a divorced couple. And yes, I get that they are business partners as well, but Clare seems to still carry a wee bit of a torch for her ex. I wonder how that will eventually sit with Mike Quinn?
What I learned: Cold brew coffee – who knew?
Overall Grade: B