Fat Fridays
Available: November 8, 2017
Thank you to NetGalley.com for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I love me a women’s friendship book and if it’s set in the South – well that’s even better. I raced through this tale of Sukie’s post divorce life with her new Friday lunch bunch. Each chapter gave insight into each character’s life while they all try to get through the messy situations each one finds herself in. The only character I couldn’t stand is Carol Ann. She is so naïve and green that she makes Kermit the Frog look pink. I just want to throttle her. I get that she hasn’t experienced much but she sounds like a lovesick pre-teen. I’m really hoping she doesn’t get her to star in one of the future volumes…
What I loved: That most of the group ended up going through a horrible public embarrassment yet came through it with their head held high. The message that if you’re living your life and not hurting anyone is a powerful one and it shouldn’t matter what other people think of you.
What I didn’t love: Since most of the group is under 50, I didn’t like how so many of them didn’t pursue a college education. Three of the five had no post high school training and are basically relying on the men in their lives to take care of them.
What I learned: Everyone needs a cheat day.
Overall Grade: B+