White Sand, Blue Sea
Available April 11,2017
Thank you to NetGalley.com for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Rich, beautiful, privileged
WASPs? Check. Amazing, tropical location? Check. More food courses served at every single meal than you could eat in a week? Check. Must be reading a new Anita Hughes story. Check. I’ve finally decided to take an Anita Hughes novel for what it is – Danielle Steel on an even lighter side, (is that even possible?) or Steel-ite for short. I’ve found that if I go into the novel expecting candy corn and cotton candy sweetness and fluff, I’m not so angry when the sugar rush fades out.
What I loved: I think that Hadley is a remarkable character in this novel – and the plot seems more about her rather than her spineless daughter with some big-time Daddy issues, Olivia. Hadley has spunk, guts, and morals. She’s a good role model for her annoying daughter. I wish her daughter would learn from Hadley – and also give her the respect she deserved by calling her “Mom” (or basically anything other than her first name.)
What I didn’t love: It’s a toss up between Olivia and her father Sebastian, but ultimately, Sebastian wins hands down. He is the type that shouldn’t be trusted with anything and his entire persona just screams “USER”. Olivia is so darn desperate for her Peter Pan Daddy that she can’t see the forest for the trees. But what do you expect by someone who calls her mother by her first name.
What I learned: Nothing – and I’m finally okay with it.
Overall Grade: B