The Paris Effect

Available: Now
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
What the heck was that? I thought it was going to be a lovely tale of a woman grieving her best friend’s death with a stealth trip to Paris. What I ended up reading was an obviously depressed woman who’s super obsessed with her weight (and suffering from body dysmorphia) who meets up with a bunch of weirdos in Paris and her life comes complete apart at the end. Gee – can’t wait for the sequel!
What I loved:
Note how I didn’t write anything on that line? She even took the dead best friend to task.
What I didn’t love: 90% of the book was just bizarre. Curve balls and zingers were coming out of no where, but I think the worst scene for me was the entire catacomb scene. It was written so well that I completely felt claustrophobic during the passage but I was also thinking to myself – WTF?
What I learned: There are some freaks in Paris that have question marks tattooed on their eyes.
Overall Grade: B-