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Available: January 10, 2017

Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Do you remember the Dr. Seuss book The Sneetches? One of my favorites – it tells the tale of some perfectly happy Sneetches with no stars on their bellies who are made to feel inferior by the Star-Bellied Sneetches. Someone comes in to level the playing field by giving them all stars (or taking them off) for a price. In the end, everyone just learns to love themselves and everyone else regardless of their star status. Karen is a Sneetch – and not one with a star. And I’m still not quite sure she learns to love herself at the end.

What I loved: The scenes where people were giving back whether it would be financially, or with their time, their love, and their other donations. I think we need more of that in our world today without people doing it for camera or for status – just to help someone else less fortunate than you for the sake of being a good person.

What I didn’t love: Karen and her slippery slope into a life of crime. Seriously? How clueless were these people? I think it was worse how she justified her actions. Even though she comes to her senses in the end, the damage has been done. And her kid sounds like a brat too.

What I learned: People who work part time at a non-profit in NYC still make too much money.

Overall Grade: B-

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