The Forever Summer
Available: April 25., 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I was super excited to read the next book by Jamie Brenner since I really liked “The Wedding Sisters”. While a completely different premise, there was still sibling rivalry and family drama – things I love in my books.
What I loved: It was such a delight to read a book about the Cape Cod area and have it NOT be about Nantucket. P-town sounds like an amazing place – quirky, open, honest and not filled with uber-rich money bag snobs. It seems like it started out as a working class town and still kept strong ties to its beginnings.
What I didn’t love: I would have liked there to have been some kind of relationship between Fran and Nick. If anything, it would have added a little more drama to the story or explained why Fran was the way she was. A love affair gone wrong between two tortured artistic souls would have been better than a sperm donor.
What I learned: I need to investigate mosaics as a new hobby.
Overall Grade: B