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My Sweet Revenge

Available: January 12, 2017

Thank you to and Penguin UK for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

While it is widely known among my friends that I adore a British bonk-buster (Jackie Collins, Victoria Fox, Nigel May, etc, etc) I am also a sucker for a story about a woman of a certain age wising up to how her life is going and making major changes. Of course, its common knowledge that if you’re not happy with yourself , how can you expect others to do the same? While it’s a common theme for most of Ms. Fallon’s books (Getting Rid of Matthew is my favorite but I also liked Foursome, and Strictly Between Us) she manages to sculpt each individual novel with its own characteristics, antics, and heart.

What I loved: Part II at exactly 50% through the book – BRILLIANT!!! I am a sucker for an amazing plot twist and Jane Fallon placed a nice one in the perfect place. Well done! Just an overall absolute delight to read.

What I didn’t love: You would think after all of the Brit books I read that I would have a handle on the schooling by now. Forms, O-Levels, A-levels, college, university, aaarrrggghh! Would someone please explain them as they relate to the school I know here in the States? I think the A and O levels are kind of like out ACT and SAT tests that our kids use to gain acceptance to what we call college. Are the colleges in the UK more like our community colleges and the university is more like graduate school. Someone please help me.

What I learned: Revenge…… cold………sooooooo good.

Overall Grade: B+

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