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Banana Cream Pie Murder

Available: February 28, 2017

Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I look forward to every February so I can read a new Hannah Swenson mystery – Its been my habit for about the last 15 years or so, but I’ve got some concerns about the series so my review will be a little different than my “normal” ones. Let me rant for a moment…

Over the years I think Hannah has gotten dumber . She used to be a lot smarter and now she can’t even work a cell phone? Where was Andrea in this book ? She had such a secondary role in this installment - it was like she wasn’t even in the book at all? How is Bill going to be able to be elected Sheriff again if Hannah seems to be doing all the murder-solving in this small town? Maybe Lisa and Michelle should run The Cookie Jar (especially since Michelle is doing much more of the cooking lately that Hannah) and Hannah needs to be Sheriff. Ross is creepy. Having your family purchase furniture without your input (and multi-colored patterned carpet? Ewww) is doubly creepy.

The murder in this book was a stretch. I get that you’re beginning to run out of characters to kill off but this was one of the weakest murder plots with execution, motive, and ending. If Mike was any kind of half-way decent homicide detective, he should have gathered all of the facts and would have had this wrapped up in a day or two.

My favorite parts of the book? The recipes are always welcome. Perhaps one of these days I’ll actually make something from the book – the peanut butter cheesecake with chocolate sauce sounds rather dreamy. But my absolute favorite part of the book was the ending. As I fist pumped through the final chapters, happy in the news that I was right, I also shot up a quick prayer thanking the Powers that Be that Ms. Fluke has seen the light.

Now I’m really looking forward to next February!

Overall Grade: B

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