It’s Always The Husband
Available: May 16, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Three college freshman, all opposing angles of a triangle, thrown together in a dorm suite and an uber-prestigious institution is a recipe for disaster. There’s charity case Aubrey, angry and determined to make something of herself Jenny, and then golden child/tortured soul Kate – nothing like an explosion waiting to happen for the three of them – and it does after a really long burn time of twenty years.
What I loved: I thought I had it solved and then was thrown for a major loop (this seems to happen a lot to me – am I reading better-crafted stories or am I just dumb?) and I was literally smiling as I read the last page because I thought the ending was so fricking brilliant. Well played!
What I didn’t love: Nothing happens until the last quarter of the book and from then it snowballs all the way to the end. Maybe if there was less backstory and more of the murder investigation, it would have felt more balanced. Instead, the last part has a rushed feeling and it feels like some details and logic slip to the side.
What I learned: Some friendships aren’t meant to last. And that I’m totally jealous of a dorm suite - We only had a room..
Overall Grade: B