Mrs. Fletcher
Available: August 1, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I usually tend to stick to women authors, but since I loved “Little Children” and “The Leftovers” I had to give this a try. I empathize with Eve a lot – I’ll be sending my only child off to college in 18 months; it was nice to see how she felt when saying goodbye and how Eve coped and adjusted to her new normal.
What I loved: The Gender class at the local community college is one of the more original aspects in the story. I think that I would love to take a class like that since I am probably boring, typical, “normal” but then I may end up feeling guilty or horrible for not having gender issues or anything else that people seem to have issue with others these days.
What I didn’t love: The entire will she/won’t she story line with him got old after a while – the wishy-washyness of Eve, the persistence of a young adult, the entire creepiness of it all. But if it was between two consenting adults, I really couldn’t care less. I’m just going to be me over in the corner.
What I learned: I’m not looking any of my daughter’s male friends in the eye ever again. EVER!
Overall Grade: B-