On Second Thought
Available: Now
A Kristan Higgins book means one thing - its going to be a good read. Her characters have little quirks and her plots have minor twists that make them so believable - they are things that could truly happen. How else do you question a kitchen decorating choice of granite? This is a tale of love, family, and growth. I didn't want it to end..
What I loved: Ainsley's fashion choices are my favorite! I would love to dress up every day, but alas, my life calls for flip flops and jeans, so I'll live vicariously through her instead. I an going to adopt her positive attitude though. She seems to keep a smile on her face and her heart in the right place even when she is getting royally shat on.
What I didn't love: I wish there was more interaction between Kate and the creepy ex-wife Madeline. She's a nut job to the nth degree and I would have loved to see more conflict between the two. I would have also liked to see more unabashed joy in Kate's life in the end - she definitely deserved it by then.
What I learned: You can always learn to love family.
Overall Grade: A-