Stepping To A New Day
Available: Now
Some people may think - what are you doing reading a Christian book about a fictional African-American town in Kansas. What can I say? I'm a mystery! Seriously - these books are such a delight to read. Its Christian Fluff. People are real - real problems, real communication, real solutions. Sometimes I just need a break from all of the heavy drama, depressing topics, and smut and read something that makes me renew my faith in humanity.
What I loved: While this book focused more on new characters and not all of the favorites from past books, there's still enough mentions of the old favorites to bring a smile to my face. I love the friendships between people - they don't care what posts are on social media or if you screwed up. They love the people in their lives for who they are.
What I didn't love: Riley's back. Need I say more? I wish they made him suffer just a little more though.
What I learned: You can't hold back a pig in love.
Overall Grade: B+