The Goddesses
Available: July 25, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
So this has been touted as “The Descendants” meet “Single White Female”. Now that I’ve read the book, I’m still looking for the SFW part. To me, its more like “Lost in Translation” meets…meets…. I don’t know, maybe “The Grifters?” I wanted to have high hopes for this book, but I feel like I was sold a bad bill of goods.
What I loved: I can easily pluck out the parts of the story that put a smile on my face – the beautiful, lush descriptions of Kona and the people there; the monologues Ana uses while teaching yoga are incredibly soothing and inspiring. That’s it. Nothing more.
What I didn’t love: Where do I begin? Am I more disappointed in Ana’s lies and actions? Or am I more annoyed with Nancy – how can you be so clueless about cancer? Seriously – it was bad enough when a fake cancer plot ripped through the Real Housewives of the OC a few years ago .. As someone who’s grandmother passed away from pancreatic cancer, I was getting more heated with Nancy as the story progressed. How are you so fricken clueless?
What I learned: A snake is in no way, shape or form a lizard.
Overall Grade: C-