Death of a Bachelorette
Available: June 27, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Summertime for most means “beach reads” and while I devour those, I also look forward to a new Jaine Austin mystery each June as well. Ahhhh Jaine…. With her psycho cat Prozac, annoying neighbor Lance, and scariest parents, I just love her. I have this secret dream for her that some day she will find that amazing man, lose the weight she wants, gets an amazing job – all of it; but then I wonder what will happen to the series.
What I loved: Like she has in the 14 other editions, Prozac steals the show. Since I’m a secret cat lady married to someone who will never clean another cat box, I have to live vicariously through cats in books and in my mind’s eye. My daughter made me watch episodes of this past season’s “The Bachelor” and while I’ll miss those brain cells that will never recover, at least I was able to appreciate the plot of this installment.
What I didn’t love: No sighting of the television writing BFF? Shame! No mention of my 2nd favorite Mexican joint (Tito’s Tacos has my heart)? Boo! I get it – it was a destination mystery but Jaine still needed to eat before she left or they could have done a cute epilogue at Paco’s (easily one of the best restaurants in town. My mom used to work for B&B Hardware around the corner so we’ve gone there since I was about 5. And there is amazing Japanese down the street at Mikasa. Seriously).
What I learned: Cats don’t travel well. Ever.
Overall Grade: B