The Secrets You Keep
Available: Now
Kate White is fantastic at creating smart female characters that do/say/see one stupid thing that sets their entire life in a tailspin motion. Luckily – most of the time these characters are able to pull their heads from their asses and make things right. Bryn is no exception and some aspects of her story are a little weak (maybe more of her romance with Guy, a little more suspense in the middle of the book) but there is a kick ass climax and a ton of red herrings to keep you guessing until the end.
What I loved: All around Bryn were other strong female characters – Barb, the police detective, her shrink, her agent. Having an invisible safety net of women was a added aspect of the story that I didn’t initially consider. As Bryn did not have her biological family around, her network of career women who did have balance within their lives served as a surrogate family.
What I didn’t love: Since I’ve only been to NYC and not upstate New York, I had no idea Saratoga was up that ways. For a few chapters, I thought they were doing a commuter marriage of NYC to somewhere in Florida or maybe somewhere out on Long Island. When they finally mentioned Albany - now I had a clue as to where the story was taking place so I’m not a fan of the disorientation.
What I learned: A town that makes its own water and chips must have room for their own Opera.
Overall Grade: B