Pretty, Nasty, Lovely
Available: August 29, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I’m partial to a good sorority book – even though most of the nationally known Greek houses are technically women’s fraternities; in the grand scope of things, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you find your niche with the ones you connect best with in your house, have a general sense of compassion and caring towards the sisters you may not like, and show up for rush events. Seriously – we got fined if we were late.
What I loved: Of course there were some great twists and turns towards the end but I think my favorite part of the book was how Emma’s view of Defiance changed as they grew closer over Thanksgiving break.
What I didn’t love: It’s a little choppy in parts – I think more could have been drawn out between the professor and his creepy stalker girlfriend. I also think the entire health center (or Death Center as we called it back in the days) mental illness thing with Dr. Cho could have been its own book as it seems a little Gestapo like and very off.
What I learned: I think I want to have a tea reading
Overall Grade: B