Friend Request
Available: September 5, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Do we really know who anyone really is on social media? With the flick of a finger a filter can be selected to erase the things we don’t want you to see. People, places and things can easily be cropped out along with the truth in our posts. And it seems that some people never really get over what happened in high school…
What I loved: Wham – what a twist! Well written and well thought out Ms. Marshall. I’m not saying anymore because I would slip and give away a major plot twist with one of my snarky side comments.
What I didn’t love: Louise is not a very sympathetic character in my eyes so its hard to warm to her. It’s not because of what she did when she was a teenager – Lord knows everyone is an a-hole to someone many times during those later years. She’s very hard to get to know,; there are so many walls that you have to wonder if getting to know her is worth the journey.

: Don’t accept friend requests from dead people, duh!
Overall Grade: B