Winter Solstice
Available: October 3, 2017
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
A trilogy that turned into a quad – Christmasy Nantuckety Fluff. Nothing of real substance – but in the author’s defense it IS a novella AND she had to whip it up pretty darn quickly so kudos for integrating a few other Nantucket characters (why hasn’t she done this before???), making me shed a tear.
What I loved: Its all wrapped up in a Christmas bow. Time to move on – hints are in the book as well as if you read the Q&A with the author at the end. If you’ve read all of her books – its kind of earthshattering!
What I didn’t love: Kevin’s wife Isabelle has never been my favorite (perhaps because we’ve never been inside of her head?) and I think she’s secretly jealous of the entire Quinn family because larger families can require more time and attention.
What I learned: Maybe its time to take a little break from New England and head somewhere warmer.
Overall Grade: B