Mrs. Saint and The Defectives
Available: Now
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest review.
Mrs. Saint immediately reminded me of my mother’s busybody neighbor in her “active community” complex. You know the one – sweet and well-meaning but twists everything into their favor. God loves Gloria and the rest of the old biddies over at Seizure World but they drive me up a wall in a good way. Seriously though – what an original concept for a story and that’s what made it a delight to read.
What I loved: Markie is an honest character and that’s what makes her lovable. She accepts her bad traits, tried to accent her good ones, and at the end, finally sees in her what others had seen all along. Yes, she’s hurting – coping with divorce, humiliation, and trying to raise a teenager on her own. I like that she wants to be left alone in a cave to lick her wounds and find the answers to her problems because that’s exactly how I would deal with the situation.
What I Didn’t Love: There’s a patch right before the twist of events where I was a touch bored, but once I pushed through it and got to the climax of the book, I couldn’t stop reading to see how it ended.
What I learned: Not everyone copes the same way through events.
Overall Grade: A-