Sweet Tea and Sympathy
Available: November 21, 2017
Thank you to NetGalley.com for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I can totally picture this book as a movie (or a Lifetime TV special) as long as they don’t cast Reese Witherspoon as Margot. Everything about the first book in hopefully a trilogy is so descriptive. I laughed my a$$ off during the Chicago party disaster and smiled when June came tearing around the corner in the supermarket. Even though it wraps up nicely at the end, I’m dying to get to know the other family members a little bit more.
What I loved: Every single part of that kooky family could have their own book – especially Donna. Something tells me she is one who’s bit may be as nasty as her bark but she’s go to the ends of the earth for the ones she loves. I wouldn’t call them simple – just honest people who still see the good in everyone. We need more of that in this world.
What I didn’t love: I just don’t understand Margot’s mother – I get that life absolutely sucks when you live with a drunk – been there and have the souvenir t-shirt. What I don’t understand is how she could harden her heart to her child. And where was the recipe for the deep fried Hostess cupcake?
What I learned: Sugar on fruit? Is that really a thing?
Overall Grade: B+