Something Like Happy
Available: Now
I have already found my Best Book of Fall 2017 – “Something Like Happy.” A tear jerker – yes, but so beautifully written, so honest, so needed. Given all that is going on in the world right now, I think we all deserve just a little bit of happiness each and every day.
What I loved: Every chapter is a different day – up to day 100 for the 100 days Polly has left in her life. Some are action packed, some are funny, some are sad but all of them are touching. While I thought so much of my friend Jill who lost her life due to cancer, this book also made me reflect on the happy times with her as well.
What I didn’t love: Reading this book made me realize that I’m not as happy as I could/should be in my own life. It’s a harsh reality to realize that you’ve been a passive passenger in the journey of your life and for that I’m going to make some changes. Yes they will start small as I don’t need to face my fears of snakes and sharks (they make horror movies out of that crap), but I am making a pledge to myself to try and do something that makes me happy every day.
What I learned: Make the most of each day.
Overall Grade: A+