Surprise Me
Available: February 13, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
While I have yet to meet a Sophie Kinsella book that I have not lked, I kind of scratched my head with this one a few times. Maybe it’s because my own father passed away when I was 13 so I never placed him at hero status in my mind and compared all men to him. Maybe it’s because I was never coddled like an infant long after I became an adult. Sylvie does have a great heart and undergoes an epic transformation throughout the novel – both inside and out.
What I loved: My favorite part was when Sylvie was describing a relationship to her mother-in-law; the description of two stores with the entwining chapters to make one story made me tear up as well. I think the metaphor is so accurate – each person still needs to have their singular, stand alone story that gives them meaning and their own identity, yet when their chapters are mixed, its something beautiful to read.
What I didn’t love: I think Sylvie’s parents are real pieces of work – it seems like outward appearances mattered far more than how you acted. Dan wasn’t a favorite for a while – if you keep someone in a little box and protect them from everything ; then they are just going to live within the confines of the box and not continue to grow.
What I learned: Some photos are best left to the professionals.
Overall Grade: B+