The Recipe Box
Available: March 20, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I hate pie. Cooked fruit is nasty. I wish I did though – then I could put almost all of these magical recipes to work for me. With a story that ended almost word for word as it began, sprinkle in some beautiful memories, touching moments, and some cute characters, The Recipe Box is the fluffy, a little sappy, love letter to the state of Michigan and cooked fruit.
What I loved: Next year my daughter will be going to college on Lake Michigan (in IN, but still the Midwest) and I would love for her to have some of these amazing summer experiences that we just don’t get here in California (sunset at 10 pm, swimming in lakes with fish nipping at your toes (ewww), embracing fruit that you don’t get year round.
What I didn’t love: Mom Deanna seemed to get the shaft in the story – instead of being a pivotal part of her daughter’s life, she was more on the sidelines with very little interaction with her daughter. Most of the time, I actually confused her with one of the 3 D’s in the pie pantry since their names were so similar.
What I learned: How are these people not diabetic and 500 lbs?
Overall Grade: B