Killer Affair
Available: Now
So – back to back books with kind of the same premise – someone friending someone to take their man.. Completely different heroines, completely different methods, completely different outcomes. Unlike “The Last Mrs. Parrish” – the naughty time scenes in this book were sweltering – which makes it automatically awesome British Smut.
What I loved: The two perspectives, the way you secretly root for one and then the other – brilliant. It was also nicer that the children weren’t as annoying in this one as TLMP.
What I didn’t love: Did Caroline need to be sooo chunky in the beginning? Did she need to be so self-hating? Did she need to be so evil? Yes – and she shoulda/coulda/woulda been a whole lot more but I think the author was trying to not make her the most hated character of all time. Next time.. let her be.
What I learned: Embrace your own life instead of someone else’s.
Overall Grade: B