The Sugarhouse Blues
Available: May 15, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Second in a trilogy (who are we kidding here – 3 sisters = 3 books, don’t call it a series), yet very different that the first book. Now that the sisters have been living in Hidden Falls for a few months, the newness of each other, their inheritance, the theaters has dimmed and, like in the immortal words of MTV’s The Real World, “Its about to get real.”
Not really…. But it a good follow up to the first story even its it’s a little predictable with the 2nd sister falling in love (and gee, I have no idea who will fall in love for the 3rd book) and it does show a little more of life outside of the theater.
What I loved: I can see where this is going – and I’m hoping I’m right in the that the estate across the street from Barney’s will become a wonderful new animal shelter for both dogs and cats within the Hidden Falls city limits. Seth is a true Renaissance man and I think he will be a great partner with Des.
What I didn’t love: Can we please finally deal with Allie’s drinking? Or is it all going to be rehashed in the 3rd book?
What I learned: Finder’s keepers on a emerald necklace? I’m throwing my hat into the ring.
Overall Grade: B