All We Ever Wanted
Available: June 26, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I’ve read all of Emily Giffin’s books since Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Some I’ve really liked; some not at all. I LOVED this book. I could NOT put it down and would have probably read the entire thing in less than 24 hours if I didn’t have some stupid work function on a Saturday (or as I see it – a perfectly good waste of a reading day). I’m not sure if its because I was really realting to Nina (both have only kids going off to college in the fall – not the super wealthy thing) but I was also realting to Tom with my fears of having a teenage daughter in this digital world.
What I loved: Nina’s mother was my favorite! I live to have no filter once I hit a certain age. Can we please get a spin off book of her? I would also like more from the best friend from home – I think there’s a good story there too.
What I didn’t love: Most of the time, I really just wanted to smack Lyla, but that’s how I feel about the decisions that most teenage girls make today, including my own. I wish there were more motivational speakers for girls/ladies/women who would let them know that high school is NOT the end all be all and he WILL morph into the not hot guy in 20 years…
What I learned: Verdict is still out.
Overall Grade: B+