The Not-So-Perfect Mother
Available June 6th
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
What a cute, quick read! It was such a different side of Ms. Fisher as an author but I think she nailed it – would love to see more things like this from her in the future.
What I loved: I am blanking on Maia’s best friend – Colleen? Colette? She is just awesome and I would love to see a sequel revolving around her and cheating Lawrence and the crazy live at their house.
What I didn’t love: Let’s see – who’s evil…. Jen1, Sandy and even Colin although you can see he adores and loves his kids even if he doesn’t have the first clue on how to raise them or how to be a responsible person.
What I learned: Its not always to the manor born…
Overall Grade: B