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City Mouse meets Lowcountry Mouse as their kids fall in love in the nasty Midwest and plan a wedding… Its an adorable book even though you can see some of the disasters on the horizon from almost the opening chapters but there are still some unexpected twists and turns of both good and bad that makes this a quick summer beach read. Much better than last year’s book!!
What I loved: The relationship between Miss Virnelle and the family along with the life on the farm. It was beautiful to see the generations all coming together to celebrate the good and the bad and to realize what they truly wanted to accomplish with their lives. Simple? Maybe – but isn’t it better to love what you do instead have an expensive meal or pair of shoes? Maybe not the shoes…
What I didn’t love: Not a fan of knowing the name of the animal being served as dinner… And City Mouse Susan is a complete witch – I wish there was more about her background than just the passing mention or two.
What I learned: The people don’t retire to the North…
Overall Grade: B+