Charlotte Walsh Likes To Win
Available: July 24, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Its not political fluff – just chick-lit in a political setting. Seriously – it would be great story about a woman and her family and all of the crap everyone deals with even without the political aspect in today’s society.
What I loved: Charlotte seems like a real person – flaws, mistakes, and great characteristics and all but I really would have loved more Kara. Can I get a whole book about her? And the ending – too perfect!
What I didn’t love: Do I wish she could have run a campaign without any mud-slinging and going personal? Of course – but then it wouldn’t be politics in America.
What I learned: So much about the state of Pennsylvania that I feel I could knock out a 5th grade state report.
Overall Grade: B