Available: August 21, 2018
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
So excited for a new Lisa Patton book!! Its been too long since her last trilogy. Ah Rush…. Or as we called it Hell Week and the Troll Patrol. Yes we were horrible – we were also amped up on too many diet sodas and candy bars for a few weeks – you would have gotten slap happy too. We didn’t have a house - every sorority was housed in 1 dorm and each house had their own floor. I sometimes feel like I would have missed out on the “house” experience but then I heard stories like those from UCLA who slept 10 girls to a room and missing out on a $7-10k per year Greek experience expense and I’m okay with my suitemates.
What I loved: Shout out to Blue Mountain, MS – one of my daughter’s friends plays on their softball team at Blue Mountain College but my favorite part of the book was Ms Patton’s afterwords once the story was completed for the who/what/where/why of how this book came about and I do agree with every bit and reason.
What I didn’t love: It scares me that people still think that way and it breaks my heart. On the other hand – it also bums me out that my daughter has selected a small college with no Greek system in order to play softball and I’m sad I will not be able to pin my badge on her during initiation.
What I learned: This was like a modern day version of The Help without the chocolate pie.
Overall Grade: A