Gracie’s Secret
Available: Now
Thank you to for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
It’s a gut-wrencher – but you can’t say you weren’t warned – its in the title! When you first begin reading you think its going to go a particular way but then there is a sharp left turn that throws it into the romance genre and then over into suspense. It’s a little jumbled, but a very quick read.
What I loved: The images of heaven, the guardian angel, everything was so beautifully written – so very realistic that it took my breath away.
What I didn’t love: The entire suspense portion of the book (the last quarter or so) is so obvious that I stop liking Jen – stop being so naïve and stupid. Okay – just wander through my house – I’ll stay here in the kitchen.
What I learned: Google the crap out of people.
Overall Grade: B-